Tripoli Gallery

I dropped of a bench at Tripoli Gallery of Contemporary Art in Southampton NY. Trip has been renovating the gallery and wants to have some functional art in place of the previous furnishings. I was happy to oblige and it will be nice to have work in the village again! Plus my brother Darius shows with Trip. Come to think of it the last time I showed with Darius he dropped a light on a bench of mine.


Tripoli Gallery

Trip wants to go for a more flexible layout to the gallery so he will be needing something to replace the built in counter/desk that he took out. I offered to build a coffee table that could be at the heart of that new work station/lounge area. The piece will go just about where he is standing in the picture above. This is going to be fun! I had similar arrangement in Southampton once before with Clarke Fine Art. Off to get started before I am off to Smithsonian

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