Corner Piece #3 – Part 2
Often reality sets in when it is least welcome. I had to move the newly cast base and it proved to be just a bit too heavy. It has to have a certain weight to provide a stable foundation but no question it was too heavy.
The solution is a bunch of foam
A bit of steel
These parts were carefully positioned and will cut the weight by a fair amount. It is the difference between being able to easily move the casting vs. struggling. (I should note that i have superhuman strength so it is still quite heavy to the average person)
Note: The silvery Stainless Steel parts are threaded inserts that get locked into the concrete and will be used to fasten the wood.
THe piece is beginning to take shape!
The holes correspond tot he threaded inserts that i buried in the casting.
The ash components are designed to hide the screws that hold the cherry to the concrete. Even if there were no holes to cover I would still want the ash pieces. They increase the footprint and provide the visual “glue” to tie the concrete and the Cherry components together.
The Ash is providing too much of a contrast so it will need some help. I sneak across the street to steal some Oil paint from my father. (One of the many advantages of having an Artist for a father)
A few samples later I decide on a mix of Indigo and Ivory black to mellow the Ash and help it tie into the concrete.
Corner Piece #3
Part 1
Part 2

New York based designer/maker Nico Yektai opened the doors to his Hamptons studio in 1995 after completing the MFA program at the School For American Craft at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The rigorous technical training complimented his background in Art History, which he studied, at Hobart College in Geneva NY. Yektai has synthesized this background into a singular style that has gained him national attention. Visit for more information