Planters on & Off The Ground 2012- Opening Night
It was a perfect night for the 5th installment of the Planters On & Off The Ground Show at the LongHouse Reserve. The show was really good this year with a very consistent collection of plant based installations. I will give you a tour through my eyes.
I caught a glimpse of my Bench #4 in use as I approached the planters. I love seeing that bench in use!
There was a great crowd. 260+ people filled out ballots for the peoples choice award. I am not sure if that is a record, but I cant remember more people at a Planters opening.
Nice to see my planter installation was being used as I had intended! I included two seats this year.
my son Wyatt on the left, my sister Mahan in the middle and my wife Elizabeth on the right!
My nice Lilah and nephew Gideon. They taught me that my stools were more comfortable 90° from what i had intended. A great discovery. Thanks!
Jack Lenor Larsen welcoming the crowd to the presentation of the awards.
My oldest son, Jasper after the awards ceremony.
Openings can be a bit much for a 5 year old and Wyatt was just about done.
Thanks to the LongHouse for a wonderful evening! The show will be on through the rest of the season.

New York based designer/maker Nico Yektai opened the doors to his Hamptons studio in 1995 after completing the MFA program at the School For American Craft at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The rigorous technical training complimented his background in Art History, which he studied, at Hobart College in Geneva NY. Yektai has synthesized this background into a singular style that has gained him national attention. Visit for more information